Sunday, April 8, 2012

White Dog Training Can Solve Your Dog's Behavioral Issues

There are many different dog behavior problems, but the right training can be effective at overcoming all of them. Many behavior problems are disturbing or even harmful, yet some dog owners don't realize that changing a dogs behavior isn't that difficult. While every dog is unique, behavior problems are not unique, so any problem you're seeing has been observed before and a solution has been found.

It's perfectly natural for dogs to bark, but that doesn't mean you (or your neighbors) should have to listen to your dog bark all day long. The most common barking problem is when dogs in a yard bark during the day while their owners are away. Barking dogs are often the source of contention between neighbors, and may cause complaints. There are also dogs who will bark even when in the company of people; they may be especially alert to anything going on outside. A bark collar is a tool that can help control barking; this will make a noise or deliver a mild shock when the dog barks. This is the only way to train a dog out of barking when no one is around, and it's a fairly inexpensive solution.

Many dog owners know that dogs will fight, which is problematic in many ways. It is usually a show dominance, a territorial challenge that is indicative of animals that travel in packs. So when you walk your dog, you can prevent fights by being aware of your dog and the surroundings. When walking, be sure to keep a safe distance between your dog and all other dogs that are walking by. Develop the habit of not allowing your dog to interact with other dogs on the street. Doing so will avoid all of the aggression and fighting that might otherwise happen. Letting your dog wander without a leash should also be avoided. They should also, when on the leash, not pull you.

Begging is very common in dogs, and it's something that you should do your best to discourage. Extra treats are sometimes given to puppies which then become adults that have a horrible begging habit. This, of course, only encourages the behavior. In the long run, giving dogs what they want sends the message that they are in control, not you. Dogs that eat too much, especially those that are overloaded with treats, get fat very quickly. Always avoid giving your dog table scraps. The habit of not eating while humans eat is a great way to avoid the begging routine. Behavior problems can usually be overcome with the right training, whether you do it yourself or you require some help. You learn how to communicate effectively with your dog through training, and this can be a rewarding process. Not only can training help with current behavior problems, it can prevent future ones. As long as you're willing to put in the time, or perhaps hire a qualified trainer, your dog's behavior problem can be overcome.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Get The Best Results With Dog Training Techniques

Dog training is an important part of owning a dog, and it's not something you should overlook. It's necessary for anyone who wants to have a good relationship with his or her pet. A trained dog is much more content, and easier to live with than an untrained one. We'll now explore some of the best and quickest ways to train your dog.

Separation anxiety is a common problem with dogs, and this can be very hard to deal with. This is a fairly common problem, and one reason it's hard to treat is that the problem behavior occurs when you aren't around. The problem of separation anxiety can often be overcome if you follow certain procedures. Your dog may be used to your leaving and being gone all day; to change this habit, leave the house and return soon as often as you can. Paying a lot of attention to your dog before you leave will only make the problem worse, so leave with as little fanfare as possible. Returning home shouldn't be a major event either, so don't spend a lot of time with your dog the minute you get back. Make sure you're not adding to the problem by making your hellos and goodbyes with your dog too dramatic. Have you taught your dog to "stay"? If not, you'll soon realize how difficult this can be. Every dog wants to follow you. That is a natural instinct. The first command every dog must know, prior to learning how to stay, is to sit. This is essential. When the dog is sitting, you can begin to teach him to stay as you walk away from him. If your dog is successful, praise him and give it a treat. Start the process all over again if your dog does not succeed. However, do not punish him. If you do this a few times, your dog will understand what "stay" means and obey you from that point on.

The canine species can be trained very effectively as long as you use the proper timing. Many dogs will miss the mark completely if the timing is also off. The trainer is usually to blame because a wrong elements are at play. A dog's memory is very short and he won't understand punishment for something he did an hour ago.

Positive rewards for positive actions also need to be very congruent, one following the other. If you punish your dog for doing something, such as chewing up the sofa, an hour later after the deed was done, it will not help the dog understand what it did. Only present moment rewards and punishments should be carried out because the dog operates in present time only.

Dogs can be taught just about anything, and you can teach them the basics if you want to try. Almost everyone can have their dog sitting and staying on command in no time at all. The goal is to have your dog become well behaved. Teaching them tricks can happen at a later time if that is something you would like to do.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tools for Training Dogs

When you use the correct tools when training your dog, your outcome will be more successful. Dog training tools can be highly useful in the scheme of things, but a solid relationship with your dog is still a major factor for success. So let's look at some of the most effective dog training tools you can find on the market today.

Getting a dog to stop barking is often very difficult. You have to remember that this is their voice and how they communicate their feelings. Your dog may be more likely to bark if they are home are you are gone; your neighbors may not appreciate this. You can find a trouble free tool that will help curb the barking issue. Your dog will be the only one that will be perceptive to the ultrasonic frequency that this gadget will produce. When your dog starts barking, this device goes off and is usually effective in controlling the issue. This unit will provide coverage in a variety of spaces; both indoors or out. This is an effective way to control dog barking.

If you want to train your dog for agility, there are many tools that can help you do this. This is something that is particularly important when you want to turn your dog into a show dog. However, it's also a good idea simply to keep your dog fit and healthy. Obviously exercising with your dog, going for runs and throwing things for fetching is a good idea. This can be fantastic exercise but if you get an agility kit for your dog you can help increase his agility even more. It's possible to buy extensive kits but you could also buy the individual pieces separately like a tunnel or an obstacle course and then train your dog to run through it. This is not just good for the health of your dog, it offers you a method for training him in a precise way that will help him become responsive and more obedient as a whole.

A long, high quality dog leash can be a useful training tool. These leashes can be anywhere from 20 to 50 feet long. They'll give you the ability to maintain control over your dog training efforts while still working as if your dog weren't on his leash. Until your dog is absolutely trained, you are going to want to make sure that you keep him controlled and the only true way to do that is by using a leash. Typical short leashes, however, don't allow your dog the freedom to run. The only other option you really have is to complete your training inside but that has a lot of limitations too. If what you want is control as well as space, the only real way to achieve that and get the most from your dog training is to employ the long and sturdy leash.

The purpose of this article was to present several dog training tools that could help you with your canine. There are many more beyond the scope of this writing. Any type of dog training equipment is useful, even if basic. It just depends on what you get and how you use it. The best way to choose the dog training tools that will best suit you begins with understanding what you want to train your dog to do and what equipment will work the best.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How Dogs Are Trained for Specialized Tasks

Training dogs can be done with several different techniques, from the easiest commands to training dogs really tough things. Individuals, law enforcement agencies and even the medical field use dogs for all sorts of reasons. A large number of dog owners only teach their dogs the basics however dogs are able to do some remarkable and advantageous things if you train them the right way.

The best known type of specialized dog training is probably guard dog training. There are many different dogs that can be used for this training. You probably have a watchdog in your house that is trained to bark when people approach the home for safety reasons. The natural tendency of a watchdog is to bark when someone is coming toward you or might be trying to get in your home. Do you have a big dog? If you do, it may not even have to bark to scare people away that may be potential trouble. Guard dogs are highly trained canines that have survived obedience training and can now do many different activities to protect and serve. The reason that you have for training your dog can actually sway you toward one breed or another based upon what they are capable of doing. There are many guard dog training schools that can train a dog to be an effective protector.

Another type of dog with special training is called a therapy dog. Many of these dogs are used in places where people need therapy. Nursing homes and hospitals sometimes have these animals for the specific purpose.

Most of the time, therapy dogs are able to help elderly people in nursing homes. They can also be friends children that are hospitalized. Although these dogs may be of any breed, the temperament of the dog is of primary importance. Patience literally is a virtue that these dogs must have. They should also be tolerant of and comfortable with people. These dogs must have the disposition necessary to handle groupings of people as well as individuals.

Animals are becoming employed to a greater extent by medical doctors and researchers. Canines have been used for a long time for medical intentions, such as assisting in care-giving for those with sicknesses or a disability. Yet, in more recent times, it has been realized that dogs have extremely responsive noses and are frequently able to sense the occurrence of illnesses before information could be found from medical tests even. Studies have revealed that canines appear to have the ability to sense particular types of cancer in a variety of behavior, like smelling a patient's urine. This research is still in its early stages, but dogs can be trained to detect disease in a similar way that they can be trained to detect the presence of drugs or explosives.

No matter what the purpose of dog training, everything has to begin with the fundamentals. A dog that has been trained to obey basic commands can then be given more advanced training. Other than this, what a dog can do is reliant upon their character, breed type and their individual nature. Training a dog for specialized purposes requires a dedicated owner as well as a dog with the right characteristics.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Most Effective Dog Training Methods

Dog training is not that mysterious. It takes persistence and a willingness to keep trying until your dog understands whatever lesson you're imparting. It's best to start off with the simplest commands, such as teaching your dog to sit and come, and then move forward from there. It is very easy to train a dog. You just need to know the right strategies to use. Use the following tactics in this article to help you begin.

As long as you have a dog collar and the leash, you are ready to begin training your dog at any time. Using a clicker is also a very useful way to train a dog. When you are training your dog, simply click the device. A sound will come out that the dog will appreciate. When your dog does something you want, you give a click, followed by a treat. The treat is a much better reward system than with verbal praise. Dogs understand food and not the human language. The clicking sound will be all that you need when training your dog. The conditioning will be set in place. There is the necessity of providing reinforcement from time to time with treats so that the dog remembers that the clicking is a good thing. Training your dog for long periods of time may make you feel like you're dedicated, but it's not usually helpful. Puppies in particular can only concentrate for so long, so it's best to have brief training sessions. Another factor is that the longer the session lasts, the more likely it is that you'll become frustrated or impatient. A training session that lasts up to fifteen minutes can be very useful; beyond this is usually counterproductive. Sometimes you'll have to call it quits even though you didn't accomplish as much as you'd hoped. It may not seem obvious at first, but shorter sessions will be more effective in the long run.

Although it was once considered acceptable to hit dogs, such as with a rolled up newspaper, this is something almost all modern experts on dog behavior would tell you not to do. For proper training purposes, the dog should not be afraid. The discipline of your dog, even if you are upset, should never include yelling at your dog in an angry way. The best dog trainers are in control of their own emotions, and are therefore able to get the best response out of their dogs. A frightened dog may obey, but he's also more likely to turn aggressive at some later time. Whenever possible, stick to positive reinforcement, and when discipline is necessary, restrict it to verbal rebukes or confinement. Dog training is a process that anyone can do, but it demands a steady and consistent approach for it to succeed. Dog training sessions must be done frequently, as otherwise the dog will forget what you last taught her. Remember that training may seem tedious at times, but once it's successful you'll have a content and obedient dog.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dog Training Tips - How To Correct Behavior Problems Easily

Do you own a dog? You will have to train them sooner or later. To have the best relationship with your dog possible, training is an absolute necessity, even if you do it yourself. Behavioral problems can be fixed, as long as you train your dog in a proper manner. This article will help you get started on your way.

Without a doubt, stool eating is a terrible practice that many dogs have. Cat feces is a popular delicacy with many dogs who often raid the kitty litter box when you're not looking. Although there is no proven scientific reason as to why dogs will do this, parasites are a known possible factor. From healthy dogs, to one's that are very old and sick, this habit of eating feces goes across the board. All you can do is clean up as quickly as possible so that feces is not accessible.

Unbelievably, there is actually a product on the market that will make the feces taste terrible. This is used to deter dogs from doing this. A solution that you may have to use is a muzzle. Simply put this on your dog when you take them for a walk and issue will vanish.

Does your dog like to fight? If it does, serious issues can develop as a result. This could be a dominance issue, were simply a challenge that is indicative of their pack-like nature as a breed. So when you walk your dog, you can prevent fights by being aware of your dog and the surroundings. Now the dogs get too close to one another, even if they are on leashes, because they will want to. It is their nature. Dogs get into the habit of meeting one another on the street. It is their nature. By keeping your dog from other dogs, fighting will be kept to a minimum. By preventing your dog from pulling you on the leash, and using one when you go out, things should be just fine.

Separation anxiety is one of the top behavioral issues that dogs have. Dogs that are left alone all day may display different kinds of behavior that show how unhappy they are. Some symptoms of separation anxiety include urinating or defecation, chewing and constant barking. An additional sign of this is that your dog seems disappointed when you leave your home and then acts up when you get home. This is not an easy issue to fix and it may be time consuming to with training and alterations to their behavior. Leaving the radio on can be helpful, plus it is really important that you leave some toys out for them to play with during the day. Getting another pet is another option, although sometimes not viable, but it is a way to provide your dog with company during the day.

While every dog may obey their training, some need extra attention with certain things. It is possible that your dog will exhibit different behavioral issues however the issues mentioned above are normal. The most excellent maneuver is to ask a professional dog trainer or behavior specialist, if you discover that nothing you do is solving the problem. Whatever you do, don't give up as there's a solution to almost every dog behavior problem.